Monday, March 31, 2014

The heart of a helper.

Have you ever felt guilty about wanting time for yourself? Well I experience that often, and I know I am not alone. I am a caregiver, a mom, a wife and I always seem to stress, and worry about the entire universe, before I worry about myself. Don't get me wrong I love helping others, it is in my nature There are just times when I place the weight of the world upon my shoulders and it gets to heavy to bare. I can't see someone doing bad, struggling or hurting and not feel compelled to help. However that need to help, sometimes puts myself in a position where I feel over burdened. Remember there is a difference, I am not being asked to help, I feel the need to help. I can always seem to find time, or a reason to help someone else, but helping myself I never have time for. Can anyone relate to this? Like right now, I know there is someone who desperately needs my help, and I can make a decision to help them, but that decision will cause me stress and aggravation in the long run, but because it is someone I love, it is hard not to help. Here is a great little article I read, I think I will try it to see if it will work for me.

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