Monday, April 14, 2014

A Mother's Love

When a mother love she loves hard she loves strong she loves deeply she loves unconditionally
I wanted to write about how a mother loves because, our mother's are the first to love us. A mother carries us inside of her for nine months, and in those nine months she already starts to bond and fall in love with us. A mother is our first caregivers, she is the one who is there to hold, nurture, comfort and protect us. Not everyone has a mother who has guided them on the right path, some people are close to their mother's and others are not. Since a mother is that first female relationship that we have in our lives do you think it affects how we handle future relationships with other females? We learn to trust our mother's, and some mother's were not good mother's. Some mother's don't show love, are hard on the child, abusive, mentally, verbally and physically. Some mother's don't act like mother's at all. If you had a bad relationship with your mother don't let it ruin your relationship with your own children. We all have choices in life, we can either be like our mother's good or bad, or we can be our own person, and love our children, despite how we were treated. Being a mother doesn't come with a handbook, there are no perfect mother's out there, but you have the choice to be the best mother you can. So love fully, deeply, strongly and unconditionally.

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