Monday, November 6, 2017

Living in Faith

For the most part I am a very positive person, I try to always remain positive and make decisions based on my Faith and belief system. I pray on things and then take action based on what I believe is my ordered steps. That may sound weird to some but that's my norm. I act and step out on Faith because I trust in GOD. I am able to walk away from things, people and situations that I don't believe are the best for me without looking back because of that same belief system. Not everyone believes in themselves enough to walk away from a job, or career and take a chance on what makes them happy. I can not stay at a place where I am unhappy. It sucks the life out of me and leaves me empty inside. To continue to work somewhere where I don't feel productive and doesn't bring me any type of gratification in my eyes is a dream stealer. Sure I am making someone else's dreams come true while mine is slowly dying. That has never been the type of life I could get use to. I believe my connection with the universe, a higher power MY GOD allows me to stay in tune with the path he has chosen for me. I will always be led by faith, how about you?

Friday, May 29, 2015

Tapping Into Your Inner Happiness

Hello All I look at the world around me and I see so many Unhappy people. Many waste their days complaining, Fussing, cursing life because things are not as they See fit. I know at times life gets hard, we all Face challenges and obstacles that make Life difficult yet it is a waste of life to use our days and time to complain daily. We all Know that complaining changes absolutely NOTHING! Spend as much time speaking life into your world, Positive thoughts, uplifting and inspiring words. The more you choose to tap into the happiness Within you, the more you will see life Beginning to unfold positively all around you. Try it, use positive affirmations, use the bible Verses to uplift and keep your thoughts happy. You will see a change in your life in a very Positive way. VSJ~ Stay Uplifted, Be Inspired VSJ~

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The new love of my life

Hello All I haven't been on in a while, I now have such a full life. I thought it was full before, but now it is really full. Not only am I a Mom, Wife and Author, I am a GiGi aka Grandmother to a beautiful, happy and amazing baby boy. He is now 7 months and I have been super busy loving him up. He is my sunshine, my moon, and the stars to me. I love him beyond measure. He has his GiGi wrapped around his finger. Now the things I do daily are for him, so his future can me secure. I will try to post monthly to share with you all positive thoughts, encouraging words, and uplifting and inspirational thoughts. Stay Blessed, VSJ~

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Doing what you love

Life is about living, enjoying and doing the things we love. If we spend it day in, and day out doing what we dislike, hate or feel uncomfortable doing just because someone else feels it's what we should be doing then are we truly enjoying life? I know that there are some things that have to be done in order to make a living, pay the bills, and feed your families but if those things are not bringing you some form of happiness, why not look to do what you love for a profit? Many of us have skills, talents, and ideas that can be quite profitable, so why not use them for gain. I am not saying it will be easier to work for yourself, but I am saying it will be worth it if it is important to you. Actually working for yourself could actually be harder than working for someone else. We must find the time to get things done, build your business, network, market your business and so much more. So in order to have a profitable business you must put in 100 times more work to make it thrive. Think about what you love to do, figure out a way to make that bring in an income, and work at doing what you love to do daily.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sisterhood of Like Minded Individuals

It is imperative that we have bonds with other females. A sisterhood of like minded individuals that are ultimately after the same goal, and don't mind helping one another get to the top. I appreciate women helping women and this short blog is just to give appreciation to a few women who are constantly helping others along the way. AUTHOR SHARNEL WILLIAMS, Author Nicole Martin, Yara Kaleemah, Authoress Crystal Alexis, Treats N Things Author LSO, and My Kinda Thing. Thank You Ladies for all seeing the ultimate vision Success.🙏

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Do you know your a Queen?

When a person needs others to validate their worth and who they are, they need to develop self love. Obviously if you need to hear from others that you are beautiful, that you are intelligent, worthy, and capable then you don't believe in yourself enough to make it on your own. So many people say they love themselves yet their entire world is turned upside down when either they don't have a man, or they have a failed relationship. We as women need to know that self love is the best love, when we love ourselves we can be strong, we can make it through anything, and truth be said, God has made us bendable, but not breakable, We can make it through anything. We must trust in ourselves to know that we can accomplish anything and everything we set our minds to, that power to achieve resides in us. It is our faith that allows us to hold on, to persevere and reach whatever goals we set for ourselves. This includes relationships. If we continue to get into relationships where we are abused, disrespected, used, treated unfairly, talked down to and more we must stop and look at ourselves. Why are we allowing these types of men into our lives? Why don't we feel that we deserve better? Why is it ok for a man to degrade, humiliate, speak to you disrespectfully or even put their hands on you. I don't know about anyone else, but I am a Queen. If others don't see me as such,that has no bearings on how I view myself. I shall not, will not ever allow a man to call me anything other than my name, I don't joke with females in that way either. I respect women as women, and will never call my friends a B%#*!, or any other derogatory name. If we do it to one another, or even ourselves, how can you get mad if a man calls you out your name when you call yourself a Boss B%#*!,? Well I write this to say, we as women must love ourselves, respect ourselves, and one another, and expect anyone and everyone we encounter to treat us as the Queens God intended for us to be.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Be a lover of life, and people

When others are looking at you from the outside they can only speculate and assume they know you. More often than not, many won't take the time to get to know you. I love getting to know people. I find people very interesting, and I always seem to learn something from everyone I meet. Sometimes it's good things, and sometimes not so good but you do learn from everyone you meet. We are all books so to speak, we all have a story. If I could share my book with the world it would be titled, The Woman who loved Fully. I put my all into those I love. I am a lover of people, places and things that matter. I live each day with a smile, with dreams and thoughts of happiness. I embrace life, and don't dwell on the negative things that seem to consume the minds and lives of many. I am a believer in what you put out in the universe is reflected in your life. If you give, share, respect and embrace love, the universe will reflect that in your life. It is often important to look at our lives and what we are going through, if it is more bad than good, take a look at the life you are living, and change what we are putting out into the universe.