Saturday, May 10, 2014

Living despite the obstacles

I feel it is important to keep a positive state of mind no matter what you encounter in life. We must not allow the negativity of others to influence our lives, nor allow a bad circumstance to alter our paths. Many of us, have a path in which we are trying to follow, goals, dreams, a calling and the devil is busy so there will be obstacles that will come up, from time to time, and if we allow it to distract us, we will be thrown off course. Life hits us at the most unexpected times, things like loss of a job, loss of a loved one, financial issues and even health issue. However;we must always remember that EVERYONE, faces the same challenges at some point in their lives. It is how we handle what we face that makes us or breaks us. Have you ever notices that when some people lose a job it is the end of the world? They fall apart, get depressed, don't know what to do or how they will make it. Yet others, they handle things differently. They feel when one door closes, another will open, they keep faith in a higher power and believe that all things happen for a reason, and they wait in patience knowing that something better is on it's way. I am also a believer that a negative attitude, brings about more negativity. When I am having a not so great day, I turn things around by thinking about the things I am blessed with, the things that make me happy, and force the negative thoughts, or emotions away. Despite what you believe you are in control of your emotions. Choose to be happy, choose to receive joy, abundance, peace, love and kindness. If you want to be happy, YOU MUST BE HAPPY!, VSJ~ AKA She Uplifts, The Postal Pen Here are a few books I highly recommend.

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