Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Are you trusting God in all things?

I was going through a life altering decision, and a talking with a friend on Facebook, she told me I need to let go and let God. Now I know this oh too well, yet I realize that when it comes to the big decisions in my life, I tend to still worry. I wonder why is it that when I go through smaller things, I let go and let God, but big things I hold on to. It is not that I don't trust God, I just find that with major life altering decisions I worry more, which makes it harder for me to fully let go. I know God is more than capable of handling ALL things so there is no need for me to hold on to worry and fear. I am learning more and more day by day to pray and trust in God. I know that he is the head of my life and he guides my path. knowing that I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me, is such a relaxed feeling. So think about your own life and ask yourself, are you trusting God in ALL things? or only somethings? Smile, for happiness begins with you, VSJ~ aka The Postal Pen~

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