Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Learning to trust, after trust is broken

When your trust is broken, it takes time to build that trust up again and in some instances it is never rebuilt. In life we put our trust in everyone we know, from friends to family members to the people you date and eventually marry. We put our trust in our parents, our teachers and any other adult figure we have in our lives. Often times that trust is broken by those we love, family members who give promises they can't or don't keep, friends who we trust and confide in who in the end betray our trust. Sometimes it's our own children who lie to us, and betray us. No matter who it is that breaks your trust, it is a hurtful feeling, and in some instances that trust will never be the same again. Sometimes we can forgive and forget, sometimes we forgive, yet never forget, and sometimes we just can't move past the pain. What are your thoughts on trusting after, your trust is broken? My opinion is to forgive and move on, I never hold grudges because I feel it consumes too much of my energy and I am a positive person who doesn't waste time on negativity or things that are not productive. Pray, forgive, and let it go. That doesn't mean you allow yourself to be betrayed again, it just means you won't allow the mistakes of others to burden you. Walk in Joy/Not Chaos, She Uplifts, aka The Postal Pen

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