Friday, April 18, 2014

You are more!

Life is funny, many people judge you by how you look, how you dress, the shape of your body, the size of your clothing and the job you hold. I think life is about way more than that. You can have a good job and be unhappy, have a beautiful face and body, and be unhappy and unhealthy, you can be the perfect size and still be unhappy. I have seen many judge family, friends based on who looks the best, whose shape is better, whose hair texture is better or hair is longer. I want to believe that I am more than my size, my hair, my shape, my dress, my job or what people use to judge from the outside looking in. I want to be known for my personality, how I treat others, how I love my friends and family, how I impact the world through my encouraging words, how I uplift my fellow sister's and brother's, how I raise my kids, how I am a great wife. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I want God to be my beholder. I am so much more than what you see on the outside, and so are you. Let your actions, your walk, your deeds show who you are. Be blessed and make a positive difference in the world. 'VSJ, She Uplifts, aka The Postal Pen.

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